Exercise Six
Saying something does not belong to someone
Ehara i a ia te ika rā
Saying something does not belong to someone
Kua ākona kētia e koe tēnei kupu ‘ehara’ me ōna ritenga kei te whārangi 25 o Te Pihinga. Ināianei, me titiro ki tētehi atu ritenga o te kupu nei. Ki te tīmata te rerenga kōrero ki te kupu ‘nā’, ki te kupu ‘nō’ rānei, ko te kupu ‘ehara’ te kupu whakakāhore i taua rerenga kōrero. Ka taea e koe te kī ‘ehara nā . . .’, ‘ehara i a ...’ hoki, kei a koe te tikanga. Waiho mā ēnei tauira hei whakamārama atu:
Nō te maki tērā tūmomo urutira.
That type of dorsal fin belongs to a killer whale.
Ehara nō te maki tērā tūmomo urutira, nō te aihe kē.
That type of dorsal fin doesn’t belong to the killer whale, it belongs to the dolphin instead.
Ehara i a te maki tērā tūmomo urutira, nō te aihe kē.
Nā Hoani tēnei whakaahua o te tohorā.
This photo of the whale belongs to Hoani.
Ehara nā Hoani tēnei whakaahua o te tohorā, nā Kereama kē.
This photo of the whale doesn’t belong to Hoani, it belongs to Kereama instead.
Ehara i a Hoani tēnei whakaahua o te tohorā, nā Kereama kē.
Mō ngā kupu ‘mā’ me te ‘mō’ hoki tēnei rerenga kōrero. Anei ētehi atu tauira, tirohia mai:
Māku ngā tio nā.
Those oysters are for me.
Ehara māku ngā tio nā, māu kē.
Those oysters aren’t for me, they’re for you instead.
Mōna te tarakihana rā.
That tractor is for him.
Ehara mōna te tarakihana rā, mō Ani kē.
That tractor is not for him, it is for Ani instead.
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga kōrero nei.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).

Nā Te Hererīpene ngā kararehe o te pāmu.
Nō te pakakē taua urutira.

Mā Kiwa tēnei keke.

Mā Eruera ngā kai katoa.
Nō te aihe ngā pātitotito rā.

Mā Tarati ōna waewae e romiromi.

Nā Wiremu te kōpapa rā.

Nā Tarati rāua ko Wiremu ngā kete rā.