Exercise Two

Saying something happens continually

He rite tonu te pae mai o ngā wēra ki uta
Saying something happens continually

He whakatakotoranga kōrero tēnei hei whakamōhio atu he maha ngā wā e mahia ana tētehi mahi. Anei e whai ake nei ētehi tauira hei āwhina i a koe.

He rite tonu te haere a Te Rangitapu ki tāwāhi.
Rangitapu is always going overseas.

I rite tonu te hiakai o Hineamaru.
Hineamaru was always hungry.

Tirohia te pukapuka Te Māhuri i te whārangi 29.

Tirohia te rerenga reo Pākehā e whai ake nei, ā, whakamāoritia te rerenga ki ngā kupu kua hoatu.

Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).

manu He rere tonu ngā o rite te atu

The birds are always flying away.

amuamu rite I tonu rāua tā

They were always complaining.

i Pāora o ai He tīma wikitōria rite te tonu

Paora’s team always win the games.

rite ngā korokē waipiro rā Ka te tonu inu

Those fellas over there are always drinking alcohol.

kaitōrangapū rite a kōrero He tonu te ngā teka

Politicians always fabricate the truth.

mahi te ki ai tonu Nā rite i a te te rawakore haere te rapu tokomaha

It was because of poverty that many people went to look for work.

He whare paru oranga rango o rite i ngā te pai te tonu

Flies always have good lives in dirty houses.

ā karakia tonu He tētehi i rite waiata hīmene mātou tā i te muri

We always sing a hymn after the prayer.