Ngohe Tuawhitu

Te tūhono i ngā rerenga ki te kupu 'ā'

Ā can sometimes be used instead of me to mean ‘and’ or ‘with’ but its use is different from that of me. Ā is used to join sentences with verbs, but can also be used to join phrases without verbs. Also worth noting is that when ā is used there is normally a pause that follows when you are saying the sentence.

Hei tauira
ā Ka horoi, ā, ka kai te whānau.
The family washed and then ate.

e He rīwai ēnei, ā, he kūmara ērā.
These are potatoes and those are kūmara.

Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p.45.

Purua te kupu ā ki te wāhi tika hei whakaoti i te takotoranga, ā, ka whiriwhiri ai i te whakapākehātanga e tika ana.
Put the word ā in the correct place to connect the sentences and then select the correct translation in English.

Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.

I hīkoi au ki te toa. I oma a Hone ki te toa.

Translate the sentence into English:

He kererū tēnei. He tūī tērā.

Translate the sentence into English:

Kei te kura te kaiako. Kei te whare pukapuka te akonga.

Translate the sentence into English:

Nō Eruera tēnā tautara. Mō te hī ika.

Translate the sentence into English:

I moe rātou. I ngongoro ngā koroua.

Translate the sentence into English:

I haere mātou ki tātahi. I kaukau mātou.

Translate the sentence into English:

Ko koe te kaiwhakahaere. Ko au te kaimahi.

Translate the sentence into English:

Nōu tērā koti. Nōku tēnei koti.

Translate the sentence into English: