Ngohe Tuaiwa
te AKO kupu 1
Pānuitia te kōrerorero mō Kōwae 6. Whiriwhirihia te kupu tika hei whakaoti i ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.
Read the dialogue for Module six. Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences in Māori.
Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.
Kua reri ō
te roa ki Motupōhue?
Anei taku tautara, taku peke
taku pēke moe.
a Matua Wiremu?
He aha te
mō ēnei?
hari ahau i ēnei ki te motokā.
Ko Ngā Puhi, ko Ngāti Haina
aku iwi.
E toru
, e whā tekau mā rima hēneti te utu.
i te toa rā a Matua Wiremu.
tātou tae atu ai ki Motupōhue?