Exercise Three
He aha tātou ka kore noa iho ai?
He aha tātou ka kore noa iho ai?
Kua kite kē koe i te noho a te kupu ai i muri mai o te kupu ka i roto i Te Pihinga. Anei tētahi tauira o tēnā:
Heoi anō, ka mea atu a Hoani rāua ko Huriana me whanga ia ki a au, kia puta rā au i taku Kura Minita, ka whiwhi pāriha, ka mārena ai māua.
Well, John and Juliana said she should wait for me, until I had completed my training for the ministry and had a parish, and then she and I could wed.
Ko te tikanga o aua kupu i ngā tauira i roto i Te Pihinga ko ‘and then’ i roto i te reo Pākehā. He āhua rerekē te tikanga o aua kupu i ētahi wā. Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei me te tikanga o aua kupu.
He aha tātou ka kōrero tahi ai?
Why then don’t we talk together?
Kino katoa ngā kai o te toa rā, ka tika ai te kōrero a tōku tungāne.
All the food at that shop is terrible, which makes what my brother said correct
E ai ki taku tupuna, i noho taku kuia i taua whare, ka hoko ai ahau i tērā whare inanahi.
According to my grandparent, my grandmother also lived in that house, consequenlty I had bought the same house yesterday.
He kōrero, he whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 29 o Te Kōhure.
He kōrero nenekara ētahi o ēnei e whai ake nei. Kei te tika, kei te hē rānei ngā kōrero nei.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Kia tae rawa mai a Heta me tana motokā hou, ka ohorere i te kino o te āhua. Ka tika ai te kohete a tōna matua.
Ka waiho atu ētahi taonga i te kainga o Hariata, ka maumau ai taku hari kai mai.
He reka ngā aihikirīmi i Pōkeno. He aha tātou ka hipa ai i tērā tāone?
Nui rawa ngā rākau i te wao ki Hākarimata, ka tope ai ngā rākau tōtara.
Kua rongo ahau he ātaahua ngā wāhine o ngā moutere o Tahiti. Ka waiho ai taku hoa ki te kāinga.