Exercise One
Filling the gaps 1
Te whakakī i ngā āputa 1
Filling the gaps 1
Whakarongo ki ngā kōrero o te paki waituhi. Whakakiia ngā āputa. Whakaritea te whakautu kia mōhio ai he tika koe, kāore rānei.
Listen to the audio of the movie and fill in the gaps. Check the answer to find out if you are correct or not.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Wiremu: Tēnā koe, whaea. Kei te pēhea
Mīria: Tēnā koe, e tama. Kei te
Wiremu: Kei te haere
Mīria: Ki Te Whanga-nui-a-
Wiremu: Ki te
Mīria: Ki te kite i
Wiremu: Ko
Mīria: Kāo, kei te
Te Hererīpene and Eruera: Kia ora,
Wiremu: Tēnā
Te Hererīpene: E pēwhea ana
Wiremu: Ka nui te
Eruera: Kei te aha koe,
Wiremu: Kei te haere
Te Hererīpene:
Wiremu: Ki te ruku kai
Eruera: Tokohia koutou
Wiremu: Tokorima. Tokotoru
Te Hererīpene: Ko
Wiremu: Ko
Te Hererīpene: Āe
Neihana: Kia
Wiremu: Auē, me haere ahau
Mīria: Āe. Kia pai tō tina, e
Wiremu: Hei konā rā, e hoa