Exercise Six
Filling the gaps 3
Te whakakī i ngā āputa 3
Filling the gaps 3
Use what you have learnt in the previous exercises about personal pronouns to complete this exercise. Remember that ko precedes the name of a person.
Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 13.
Whakakīia ngā āputa.
Fill in the gaps.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Kei te haere a Harawira
Harawira, Hūhana and Rewi are going to the shop.
I oma
Hēni, Rīpeka and I ran to the beach.
E piki ana a Hōri
Hōri and Moana are climbing the hill.
I kaukau
Where did you and Ani swim to?
Kei te moe
We (you and I) are sleeping in the meeting house.
Me horoi
E pēwhea ana
How are Hana, Pare and Irihāpeti?
Āe, me pānui
Yes, Mākere and you should read the letter.
Kei te tuhi
Peter and I are writing the story.
Kei te tākaro
We (including listeners) are playing tomorrow.