Exercise Nine
Checking that the message is getting through
Kua mārama ki a koe? - Checking that the message is getting through
It is important for both the speaker and the listener to be able to check that the full meaning of what is being said has been understood correctly. There are useful phrases that can prevent a breakdown in communication and help to clarify what is being talked about.
Hei tauira:
a. Kei te mārama anō koe? Do you understand?
e. Hei aha taua mea? What’s it for?
For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga pp.6-7
Whiriwhirihia te rerenga kōrero e tika ana hei whakapākehā i aua kōrero Māori.
Read the sentences in Māori and then choose the correct English translation.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Kua mārama ki a koe?
Tēnā, whakamāramahia mai anō.
He aha? Kāore i te tino mārama.
Whakahokia mai anō tō kōrero!
Pēhea te āhua o taua mea?
Kei te kite mai koe i te tikanga o taku kōrero?
Kia āta kōrero!
Kāore i mau i a au te ia o tō kōrero.