Exercise Two
Terms for trees, the body and health
He kupu e pā ana ki ngā rākau
Terms regarding trees
He kupu hou mō te tinana me ētahi mate
Terms for the body and some illnesses
Tuhia ngā kupu Māori mō ēnei kupu Pākehā.
Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.
sapwood, white wood
nectar, sweet juice from flowers
centre shoot, undeveloped leaves of flax
to bloom, flower
root (of a tree)
branch (of a tree or river, etc)
bark, skin
vine of any climbing plant, long and thin roots
heartburn, indigestion
to fast, diet
to treat, apply medicines, remedy, medicine, ointment
be constipated, constipation; be fixed, fast, firm
be overweight, large, hefty
be double, twofold, double vision
sinew, muscle, tendon, nerve, nervous system
to be afflicted by rheumatism, rheumatism
to have sexual intercourse
centre shoot, undeveloped leaves of flax
to fast, diet
to treat, apply medicines, remedy, medicine, ointment
be double, twofold, double vision
sinew, muscle, tendon, nerve, nervous system
to bloom, flower
be constipated, constipation; be fixed, fast, firm