Exercise Two
Using kia kaua e ...
Ka karanga mai te māhita kia kaua rātou e haere ki reira
Using kia kaua e ...
Kei te whārangi 67 o Te Kākano i akona e koe me pēhea te rere o te whakakāhoretanga o tētahi mahi mā ngā kupu ‘kaua e’. I tēnei wā ka tirohia me pēhea te whakapuaki i ēnei kupu mehemea kei waenganui tēnei hanga i tētahi rerenga kōrero, ko tōna whakapākehātanga ko te that ... should not ... Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei.
Hei tauira:
I haere ahau ki te hoko kai kia kaua āku tamariki e matekai.
I went to buy food so that my children won’t go hungry.
Ko te whakatau a te nuinga, kia tākaro a Hēmi kia kaua te tīma e hinga.
It was decided by the majority, that James should play so that the team won’t loose.
Ko tētahi mahi a te rōpū kia rite tonu te whana o te pōro, kia kaua te hoariri e mau i te pōro.
One thing the team did was to continuously kick the ball so that the opposition won’t get the ball.
He whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 64-65 o Te Māhuri.
Whakakīia ngā ango o ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei. Pāwhiritia te pātene kia rongo ai i tōna whakapuakitanga Māori. Whakamātauhia te katoa i mua i tō kimi i ngā whakautu. Kei te mutunga te pātene hei pāwhiritanga māu, kia kite hoki mehemea kua tika, kua hē rānei koe. Kei raro iho o ia rerenga kōrero ko te rerenga reo Pākehā.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Please pass the knife so that the children won’t cut themselves.
James will come along so that those idiots won’t annoy us.
Stay your leg so that you won’t kick your younger sibling.
The bird flew off so that the person won’t kill it.
So that he wouldn’t chase the people away, he was taken home.
I haerea
Peter went to the game, but so that he won’t play, he was grounded by his parents.
This place was restricted so that people won’t steal the fish from there.
Ka <bank>
I bought ice cream so that the babies won’t cry.