Exercise Eight
Personal pronouns
In previous chapters you have become familiar with personal pronouns such as tāua, rātou, koe and koutou. When answering Nā wai te reta i tuhi? You can use personal pronouns to replace the name, look at the following examples.
Nā rātou te reta i tuhi.
They wrote the letter.
Nā tāua te motokā i horoi.
You and I washed the car.
As you can see, when two or more people did the action, the appropriate personal pronoun follows nā. However, if only one person did the task there are special words, i.e. nāku (I did), nāu (you did) and nāna(she/he did).
Nāu te tūru i whakapakaru.
You broke the chair.
Nāku ngā pukapuka i whakatika.
I straightened up the books.
Nāna ngā kina i kai.
She ate the sea eggs.
Further explanations and exercises in Te Kākano pp. 33-32; Te Kākano Pukapuka Tātaki p. 22.
Whakamāoritia ia kōrero, ka titiro ai ki te pikitia. Tuhia te whakautu ki ia pātai.
Translate the sentences into Māori and then look at the picture to answer. Write the answer to the question.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Who painted the house?
[Tarati] [Wiremu]
Who brought you (3 people) back?
[Eruera driving a car]
Who drove your car?
[Eruera, Te Hererīpene and Mīria writing]
Who wrote this?
[Neihana breaking the door]
Who broke that door over there?