Exercise Three
Greetings 1/3
If one wishes to address a person by name then begin with tēnā koe followed by the name of the person that you wish to address,
e.g. Tēnā koe, Wiremu.
If the name of the person has one long vowel or two short vowels, the name is preceded by ‘e’.
If it is longer or not a Māori name the ‘e’ is omitted
e.g. Tēnā koe, e Mere. Tēnā koe, Jason. Tēnā koe, Te Wharehuia.
However, 'e' is optional when the person's name is preceded by Te
e.g. Tēnā koe, e Te Rangihau or Tēnā koe, Te Rangihau.
If the term of address is a noun the 'e' will be used,
e.g. Tēnā koe, e te rangatira or E te rangatira, tēnā koe.
Hei tauira:
Tēnā koe. - Hello
Tēnā koe, e Pita. – Hello, Peter.
Tēnā koe, Te Hererīpene. – Hello, Te Hererīpene.
Tēnā koe, e Hera. – Hello, Sarah.
Tēnā koe, Cheryl. – Hello, Cheryl.
For further explanations and exercises check: Te Kākano pp. 1-2
Mihi atu ki ia tangata.
Say hello to the characters of Te Whanake.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Greet Tarati
Greet Mīria
Greet Eruera
Greet Wiremu
Greet Te Hererīpene
Greet Neihana