Exercise Nine
Ako kupu 1
Pānuitia te kōrerorero mō Kōwae 6. Whiriwhirihia te kupu tika hei whakaoti i ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.
Read the dialogue for Module six. Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences in Māori.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Kua reri ō
te roa ki Motupōhue?
Anei taku tautara, taku peke
taku pēke moe.
a Matua Wiremu?
He aha te
mō ēnei?
hari ahau i ēnei ki te motokā.
Ko Ngā Puhi, ko Ngāti Haina
aku iwi.
E toru
, e whā tekau mā rima hēneti te utu.
i te toa rā a Matua Wiremu.
tātou tae atu ai ki Motupōhue?