Exercise Seven
Showing gradual change
Used following a verb directly, haere indicates gradual change.
Hei tauira:
Kua kaha haere te oma a Māka. | Mark has become stronger at running. |
Kei te ngāwari haere ngā mahi o te kura. | School work is gradually becoming easier. |
Kua rahi haere tēnei rākau. | This tree has become larger. |
Kei te pōturi haere te rorohiko nei. | This computer is gradually becoming slower. |
Further explanations and examples: Te Kākano p. 100.
Whakamāoritia ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
The baby is growing up.
This rain is gradually becoming heavier.
This boy is gradually getting stronger.
Sport has become faster now.
The animals have gradually become bigger.
That women is gradually becoming sillier.