Exercise Six
Saying something is not or was not happening
This section revisits the usage of negative sentences. Previously covered were kei te … and i te … which can both be used with verbs or nouns. Note that this negative pattern takes the same form for both past and present affirmative patterns, i.e. kāore … i te …
Hei tauira:
Kei te tākaro tahi rāua. | They are playing together. |
Kāore rāua i te tākaro tahi. | They are not playing together. |
I te haere ngā tamariki ki te kura mā runga pahi. | The children were going to school on the bus. |
Kāore ngā tamariki i te haere ki te kura mā runga pahi. | The children were not going to school by bus. |
Further explanations and examples: Te Kākano p. 84.
Whakakāhoretia ēnei rerenga kōrero
Whakakīa ngā āputa.
Don’t forget to use commas, question marks, and fullstops and macrons where appropriate (ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū).
Kei te kai ngā kararehe.
ngā kararehe
I te kohi moni ngā kaiako mō tō rātou haerenga.
ngā kaiako
kohi moni mō tō rātou haerenga.
Kei te haere a Rāpata ki te kēmu whutupōro.
a Rāpata
haere ki te kēmu whutupōro.
Kei te auau ngā kurī.
i te
I te mataku haere ngā tamariki.
i te