Exercise Seven
Words for the roles people take
He tangata mākohakoha te kairēhita
Words for the roles people take
In Te Kākano you learnt some useful words for people's occupation, these words were Māori versions of the English term, for example tākuta is doctor, and nēhi is nurse. However, there is a useful way of transforming verbs involving an action into terms for the roles that people take by simply prefixing the verb with kai-.
Hei tauira:
waiata (-tia) kaiwaiata mahi kaimahi | to sing singer work worker |
This is a simple way to create a term for roles, when no special word exists.
For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga pp. 48 – 49
Tirohia ngā tūmahi kei raro iho, ā, hangaia he kupu mō te mahi a tētehi tangata.
Take a look at the verbs found below, and have a go at creating words for the roles people take.
Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.