Ngohe Tekau Mā Toru
Te kōrero mō te hāereere
Mā hea is used to ask a person about their means of travel. It is important to note that mā hea is to be used in conjunction with ai. The ai follows the verb.
Hei tauira:
Mā hea ngā tamariki haere ai ki te kura? | How are the kids going to school? |
Mā raro. | They are walking. |
Mā hea a Ani haere ai ki te Whare Miere? | How is Ani going to the Bee Hive? |
Mā runga i tana motokā. | In her car. |
Mā hea ngā toa eke ai ki te kauhanga riri? | How will the warriors approach the battlefield? |
Mā runga waka tauā. | By war canoe. |
Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 47; Te Kākano CDs Mahi nama 42.
Whiriwhirihia te whakautu tika.
Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.

Mā hea a Neihana haere ai ki te kura?

Mā hea a Eruera haere ai ki tana kēmu poitūkohu?

Mā hea a Wiremu haere ai ki te mahi?

Mā hea a Tarati tiki ai i ngā tamariki?

Mā hea a Amīria kawe ai i ana ngeru?

Mā hea a Te Hererīpene tae atu ai ki te whare wānanga?