Ngohe Tuawaru

Te whakamahi i te kupu 'hoki'

To add or join sentences together the use of hoki (and, also, too) is used. Hoki, in this case, would most accurately be described as ‘and’. Sometimes hoki is used in conjunction with ā which was explained and practised in Kōwae 6.

But notice that hoki has various meanings and its placement in sentences can change from time to time depending on what context it is being used in. However, in this example, hoki will be used to say ‘and’.

Hei tauira:

Kei te mataku ngā tamariki, ā, kei te tangi hoki.
The children are frightened and are crying.

He tangata mataku, he tangata weriweri hoki ia.
He is a scary and frightening person.

Ko ngā roto he hohonu, ā, he makariri hoki.
The lakes are deep and cold.

Ka mutu ngā kōrero, ā, ka kai hoki rātou.
The speeches ended and they ate.

Kei te wera, ā, kei te ānini hoki tana māhunga.
His head is hot and aching.

Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 45

Whiriwhirihia te kōrero Māori e tika ana hei whakamāori i ia rerenga kōrero Pākehā.
Select the correct Māori sentence to translate each English sentence.

Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.

Edward’s car is old and rusty.

The bull was too big and strong for Wiremu.

The feast ended and Amīria relaxed.

Before she ever went to school, Tarati was smart and intelligent.

Those birds over there are harrier hawks, black-backed gulls and red-billed seagulls.

The fight ended and they shook hands.

He was a large tall man.

They’re here on Thursday and Friday.