Ngohe Tekau

I pēhea?

I pēhea? What was it like?

You have previously learnt how to ask how one or more people is or are by saying “Kei te pēhea kōe/kōrua/koutou? The sentence structure you are about to learn builds on this. You have just learnt that I is used to denote the past tense, therefore, I pēhea is used to ask how something was. Look at the following examples:

I pēhea tō moe? How was your sleep?
I pēhea te kanikani? How was the dance?
I pēwhea te kēmu?How was the game?

When answering this type of question there are many different answers you could reply with. Look at the following examples:

I pēhea te kēmu?How was the game?
He tino pai.Very good.
I pēhea te kanikani?How was the dance?
He ngahau.Entertaining.
I pēwhea tō whakamātautau?How was your test?
Āhua pai tonu.Quite good.
I pēwhea tō rā, inanahi?How was your day, yesterday?
Te mutunga kē mai o te koretake.It couldn't have been worse.

Further explanations and examples: Te Kākano p.32

Pātai atu ki ngā tāngata o Te Whanake, “I pēhea tō ...?” Ka puta mai te pātai Pākehā.
Ask the Te Whanake characters “How was your...?” The question to ask will appear under the character.

Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.

Neihana right


How was your game?


Tarati right


How was your trip?


HINT: haerenga = trip

Te hereripene right

[Te Hererīpene]

How was your holiday?


HINT: hararei = holiday

Eruera right


How was your food?


Wiremu right


How was (your) work?


Miria right


How was your sleep?



I pēwhea tēnei mahi?