Exercise Two
Using inā
Inā is used at the beginning of statements to attract attention. It is used in the same way as “see here” and “here” are used in English.
Hei tauira:
Inā tō waea pūkoro. | Here is your cellphone. |
Inā tā tātou kurī! | Here is our dog! |
Inā! Inā tō pouaka kai. | Look here! Here is your lunchbox. |
E hoa mā, inā ā koutou pēke. | Friends, here are your bags. |
For further explanations and examples see Te Kākano p. 119.
Te wāhanga 1
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Te wāhanga 2: Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Kei wareware ki te whakamahi i ngā piko, ngā tohu pātai, ngā kopi me ngā tohutō i ngā wāhi e tika ana.
Here is your homework!
Look here! Here are your(2) shoes.
Here is my telephone book!
Here is the minister.
Here comes our (my and your 2+) mother.
Here are our (her and my) grandparents!
Inā tāku rorohiko hou!
Inā tō pāpā e haere mai ana!
Inā ngā kī.
Inā tō pōtae whero.
Inā! Inā tā tāua punua ngeru.
Inā tō tātou motokā hou!